What’s the cost of the GED test?

The cost of the GED test varies from state to state, but in most states, the GED® fee is around $30 per subject test. There are 4 subject tests, so the total price is around $120. Online GED testing is more expensive.

You can check how it works in your state here: https://onsego.com/ged-test-by-state/

Some states subsidize the test fee, and others offer free testing. There are also states that offer the GED test at no cost to first-time testers.

4 states offer GED or HiSET testing for free: New York, West Virginia, Connecticut, and Maine.

  • New York and Connecticut use the GED test 
  • Maine and West Virginia use the HiSET test
  • In Connecticut, there is a small registration fee

2 states and the District of Columbia partially subsidize the GED exam, but more states have followed this example.

  • Arkansas: the GED exam fee is $16 ($4 per module/subtest)
  • Maryland: the GED exam costs $45 for all 4 subjects ($11.25 per module) 
  • District of Columbia: the entire GED exam costs $15 ($3.75 per module)

Keep in mind that Onsego offers GED prep courses; the actual GED® test is provided by the GED Testing Service. You can contact them through ged.com.

Notice: Onsego is committed to exceptional online GED course offerings. We present this information to aid your preparation journey. However, confirming these details with official sources is crucial for accuracy.

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