Is Onsego accredited and certified?

Yes, Onsego GED Prep classes are accredited and certified. The GED organization recognizes Onsego as a trusted publisher that has developed curriculum materials that are 100% aligned with the GED test.

GED Testing Service, the sole provider of the official GED test, lists Onsego as a GED partner publisher. This list includes 20 certified GED prep courses that meet the GED test objectives. 

How do you benefit from it?

  • You are assured that you are using learning materials that are in line with the current GED test.
  • You can generate the Skills to Improve report on the website and connect it with your Onsego account, so you know what to learn to boost your score.
  • You get free GED Ready vouchers (available in the My Advantage plan)

Keep in mind that you have to take the GED test through the website. Onsego provides online GED prep classes, not the GED test.

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