No Green Zone Result on the GED Ready test-What to do

Not scoring into the “green zone” on the GED Ready practice test is part of the game. It just means that you need to learn a bit more and fine-tune your test-taking technique. 

1. Generate the Skills to Improve report. 

The Skill to Improve report is published on the website and is related to your GED Ready® score. This report will show you which Onsego lessons you need to take to improve your score. 

2. Take the Onsego lessons mentioned in the report. Take/retake Onsego practice tests. Every subject prep has a module with practice tests. Onsego practice tests are similar to the actual test, but they include explanations. 

Make sure you analyze the correct answers. 

3. Retake the GED Ready test.

Last but not least, if you have tried all these tips and still can’t score into the green zone, get in touch with us, and we will figure it out together.

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